London Noir by Ann Girdharry

The Blurb......

Memory loss, nightmares, the urge to kill – Sophie has it all. Is it Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? Or something more sinister? Kal is about to find out…

After a near-fatal road accident, Kal helps a young girl in trouble. The girl’s friends are being murdered one by one. Why? And who by?

Kal must kick start herself out of her downward spiral to save the young stranger.

But Kal is in the grip of the London Cartel and is someone after the girl, or is the girl after someone?

My Blurb......
had really enjoyed the 1st book in the series with Kal. I was happy to see a 2nd from Ann Girdharry and couldn’t wait to see what Kal would get up to this time. She helps out a young girl called Sophie who has a lot going on in her past & present life. This story leads us into what happens after she helps out & what builds between them. Kal is a complicated girl but likeable & straight forward. Hopefully there will be more books with her in & we can see how she grows & learns from herself


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