If The Bed Falls in by Paul Casselle
The blurb........
After half a lifetime trying to come to terms with underachievement, a new terror has suddenly emerged. Tom Friday is now doubting his own sanity.
Maybe due to his past cocaine habit, he is having vivid hallucinations. He increasingly flips into an alternate reality where he is Joseph Miller, a renegade MI6 assassin.
The world is falling apart around him. Crazy conspiracy theories like 9/11, the Illuminati and the One-Percenters tightening strangle-hold on society seem totally real from the perspective of his alter-ego, Joseph. But who is real; Tom or Joseph?
Joseph has a plan to defeat the One-Percenters, but due to being forcibly injected with an experimental CIA drug, he cannot remember what he was going to do.
If he is Tom, he has a serious neurological problem, but if he is Joseph, the world may be on the brink of being enslaved by evil international banks and corrupt governments.
The clock is ticking as loudly as his addled brain. He is a man in two minds; are either of them his?
My Blurb........
A really unusual book. What's real what's hallucination? Drug addled and confused. You need to read this to work out which life is actually the real life. I enjoyed it and it definitely held my attention |
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